July, 2024

"Paths unfold while we walk them"

GSF Lab Retreat at Rabenstein an der Pielach, Austria

organized by Andrè, Julio, Selene

*supported by Andreas*

April 21, 2024

GSFies at the Vienna City Marathon

January 27, 2024

GSFies posing during the Sciences Ball at Vienna City Hall

January 22, 2024

PhD defense of Patrick Essletzbichler

Thesis title:

Dissection of the hypusine-eIF5A axis by CRISPR/Cas9-aided functional genomics

December 12, 2023

GSFlab Christmas Celebration (PIZZA Edition)

November 30, 2023

PhD defense of Vojtech Dvorak

Thesis title:

Chemical targeting of the membrane transporter for lactate SLC16A3

October 7, 2023

GSFies and other CeMMies at the Vienna Cancer Run

June, 2023

GSFlab Retreat at Kloster Natursinne Zöbern, Austria

organized by Christoph, Manuela, Rene and Yee Kwan *supported by Andreas*

July 18, 2023

Paper celebration of Vojtech: Cell Chemical Biology

read the full study in Cell Chemical Biology


April 23, 2023

GSFies resting after the Vienna City Marathon

February 9, 2023

Paper celebration of Patrick: Life Science Alliance

read the full study in Life Science Alliance


January 28, 2023

GSFies enjoying the Sciences Ball at Vienna City Hall

December 12, 2022

GSFlab Christmas Celebration (Snowy Edition)

October 8, 2022

GSFies at the Vienna Cancer Run

September, 2022

GSFlab Retreat at Yspertal, Austria

organized by Anka, Sabrina, Sophie, Svenja
*supported by Andreas*

GSFlab rocks at the Arena Vienna seeing Baroness, Kvelertak and Mastodon

May 21, 2022

ALL-Time GSFies at the 15th CeMM Anniversary Symposium

May 17, 2022

Surprise 60th Birthday Party for GSF

April 24, 2022

GSFies after running the Vienna City Marathon

December 17, 2021

GSFlab Christmas Celebration
(Pandemic Edition 2.0)

October, 2021

6th RESOLUTE Consortium meeting virtually and in Basel (Switzerland)

October 9, 2021

GSFies stretching after the Vienna Cancer Run

September, 2021

GSFlab Retreat at Rohr im Gebirge, Austria

organized by Gernot, Tabea and Vojtech
*with contributions from Andreas*

December 15, 2020

GSFlab Christmas Celebration
(Pandemic Edition)

October 3, 2020

GSFies at the Vienna Cancer Run

August, 2020

Farewell celebration of Ariel

July, 2020

Nature paper celebration of Leo and Manuele



April 17, 2020

PhD defense of Anna Moskovskich

Thesis title:

Forward and reverse genetic screens to identify solute carrier proteins involved in various stages of the viral life cycle

March, 2020

Paper celebration of Enrico: Nature Chemical Biology


February, 2020

Farewell celebration of Stefania, Eva, Tea, and Giuseppe

January 25, 2020

Vienna Science Ball at City Hall Vienna

December 17, 2019

GSFlab Christmas Celebration at Café Ritter

November, 2019

3rd RESOLUTE Consortium meeting in Milan (Italy)

October 31, 2019

2019 CeMM Halloween party

October 5, 2019

GSFies and other CeMMies at the Vienna Cancer Run

June 28, 2019

PhD defense of Adrián César-Razquin

Thesis title:

A Survey of Solute Carrier-Drug Associations

June, 2019

2nd RESOLUTE Consortium meeting in Krems (Austria)

May, 2019

GSFlab Retreat at Zurndorf, Austria

organized by Patrick, Kai-Chun and Adrijana

March, 2018

Ski Weekend at Katschberg - reloaded

February 13, 2019

Nadine: Master celebration


January 26, 2019

Vienna Science Ball at City Hall Vienna

December 18, 2018

GSFlab Christmas Celebration at Villa Aurora on the Wilhelminenberg

November, 2018

Farewell celebration of Mari

November, 2018

1st RESOLUTE Consortium meeting in Vienna

October 25, 2018

2018 CeMM Halloween party

October 6, 2018

GSFies running at the Vienna Cancer Run

September 28, 2018

GSFies organized a Oktoberfest themed CeMM Happy Hour

September, 2018

Satellite RESOLUTE meeting with ITTS meeting

August, 2018

Farewell celebration of Noémi

August, 2018

RESOLUTE kick-off party

July, 2018

RESOLUTE kick-off meeting in Vienna

May, 2018

Ruth & Vitaly: Cell Host & Microbe paper celebration



April 22, 2018

GSFies running at the Vienna City Marathon

April, 2018

GSFlab Retreat at Lockenhaus Castle, Austria

organized by Ruth, Ariel, Alvaro and Felix
*with contributions from Vera and Mellie*

March, 2018

Ski Weekend at Katschberg

January 27, 2018

Vienna Science Ball at City Hall Vienna

December 11, 2017

GSFlab Christmas Celebration at Meierei im Prater

November, 2017


October 25, 2017

2017 CeMM Halloween party

June, 2017

Farewell celebration of Justyna

May, 2017

GSFlab Retreat at Trapani, Sicily

organized by Mellie, Melania and Felix
*with lots of contributions by SteF*

May 03, 2017

PhD defense of Johannes Bigenzahn

Thesis title:

Identification of essential protein complexes in cancer cell proliferation and leukemia drug resistance

April, 2017

Farewell celebration of Astrid

February 03, 2017

GSFies organized a Carnival themed CeMM Happy Hour

January 28, 2017

GSFies dancing at the 3rd Vienna Ball of Sciences

December 12, 2016

GSFlab Christmas Celebration at Piaristen Keller

December 07, 2016

PhD defense of Daniel Andergassen

Thesis title:

Mapping the mouse Allelome reveals tissue-specific regulation

November, 2016


October 8, 2016

GSFies running at the Vienna Cancer Run

August, 2016

GSFlab explores the wine cellars of Sektkellerei Schlumberger in Vienna

July, 2016

GSFies surfing the City Wave

June 22, 2016

PhD defense of Astrid Fauster

Thesis title:

Identification and Molecular Characterization of Inhibitors of Necroptosis

June 08, 2016

PhD defense of Katrin Hörmann

Thesis title:

Introducing two strategies for the reproducible detection of whole membrane and surface proteomes

June, 2016

Farewell celebration of Berend

May, 2016

GSFlab Retreat at Attersee, Austria

organized by Justyna, Anna and Nikolaus

April 22, 2016

GSFies participated at the "Lange Nacht der Forschung" in Vienna

April 10, 2016

GSFies running at the Vienna City Marathon

April 05, 2016

PhD defense of Branka Radic-Sarikas

Thesis title:

Revealing cancer vulnerabilities through drug profiling and combination therapy

January 29, 2016

GSFies dancing at the 2nd Vienna Ball of Sciences

January, 2016

Double proteomics paper celebration



May, 2015

Farewell celebration of Richard and Marielle



November 12, 2015

PhD defense of Marielle Köberlin

Thesis title:

Investigating the role of sphingolipids in innate immunity

October 30, 2015

2015 CeMM Halloween party



May, 2015

GSFlab Retreat at Greimburg, Austria

organized by Greg and Adrijana

May, 2014

GSFlab Retreat at Almtal, Austria

organized by Berend, Branka and Astrid

May, 2013

GSFlab Retreat at Retz, Austria

organized by Leo and Manu

May, 2012

GSFlab Retreat on Rax, Austria

organized by Johannes and Richard

May, 2011

GSFlab Retreat at Ennstal, Austria

organized by Georg and Christopf