The current research lines of the Superti-Furga group at CeMM focus on Membrane Transporters, Metabolism and Drug Discovery.

Giulio Superti-Furga's laboratory at CeMM combines molecular biology, with -omics approaches, (bio)chemistry and bioinformatics in an interdisciplinary approach to generate a systems-level understanding of the relationship between cellular metabolism and the regulation of metabolite concentration by membrane transporters and key homeostatic regulators. In close collaboration with researchers and physician-scientists of the Medical University of Vienna and the General Hospital of Vienna, the Superti-Furga lab is also investigating the molecular mechanism behind drug actions in cancer and inflammation while using chemical biology to explore new therapeutic strategies.

Superti-Furga @ Bluesky


Austrian Academy of SciencesInnovative Medicines InitiativeVienna Science and Technology FundAustrian Science FundBoehringer Ingelheim Fonds